Low Carb MD
Low Carb MD
Episode 8: Jill Rieder--A Success Story!

Join us as we follow Jill Rieder on her inspiring journey from poor health to fitness. Jill’s story is just what we need to get back on track after the Holidays. This episode will speak to many people out there struggling to find balance in life while struggling to be the best parent, spouse, and employee possible. Learn the skills that helped Jill to reclaim her life, health, and joy. We discuss so many important issues in life that interfere with our well-being. This is a true success story to start 2019.     Jill can be found at Jill on a Journey on Instagram.   For Additional Information:    Visit Dr. Brian Lenzkes website: https://www.LowCarbAdvisor.com Visit Dr. Tro Kalayjian website:  https://www.doctortro.com