Coco is an ex-Weight Watchers coach and is currently a health and wellness coach at Vita Pura. Telling us about her journey with food and dieting, she explains how she tried for many years to lose weight and achieve a healthy state of being before she found low-carb. After being diagnosed with diabetes insipidus, she encountered what she calls the ‘disease management’ system of medicine which merely prescribes medications without effecting actual healthfulness. It wasn’t until a friend helped her get started with the keto diet that she began to see real health and wellness come into her life. We discuss how people can make lasting changes in their eating habits, how low-carb eating could reverse the advances of disease, and the devastating effects of anxiety and stress. Contact Info: Coco:
- Instagram: weightwatchergoneketo
Brian Lenzkes:
- Website: http://www.lowcarbadvisor.com/
Tro Kalayjian:
- Website: https://www.doctortro.com/