Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Low Carb MD Podcast. Nayiri Mississian’s educational background lies in Linguistics and Translation. She has worked as an educator in the UK for 20 years. While working as a full-time educator, Nayiri founded her own translation company in 2010, which she runs now alongside her nutrition coaching work. Nayiri retired from teaching a few years ago and trained as a Metabolic Health Practitioner. She is the founder of ‘Low Carb and Fasting’ and is the host of the ‘Low Carb and Fasting’ YouTube channel. Nayiri has had type1 diabetes since 1978 and manages it well with smart usage of insulin, low carbohydrate diet, intermittent fasting, and exercise. Nayiri is passionate about coaching people to better health, but her biggest passion is empowering type 1 diabetics and giving them the tools to better manage their condition.
In this episode, Dr. Tro, Dr. Brian, and Nayiri talk about…
- What Type 1 Diabetes is
- The mental, emotional, and physical struggles that Type 1 Diabetics face
- Taking the management of your Type 1 Diabetes into your own hands
- Type 1 Diabetes management tools and tips
- Fasting as a Type 1 Diabetic
- Exercising as a Type 1 Diabetic
- New technological developments in the diabetes management field
- How arrogance in the medical field effects patients
For more information, please see the links below. Thank you for listening!
Please consider supporting us on Patreon: https://www.lowcarbmd.com/
Nayiri Mississian:
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
- Website: https://arizonametabolichealth.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrianLenzkes?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
Dr. Tro Kalayjian:
- Website: https://www.doctortro.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DoctorTro
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctortro/
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