Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Low Carb MD Podcast. Maggie Jones is a stage 4 cancer thriver who credits metabolic therapies, along with conventional treatment, with miraculously prolonging her life, which she has now dedicated to raising awareness of metabolic therapies. Brad Jones has over 20 years of editing experience and has worked on everything from a Peabody Award-winning documentary to the highest-rated shows ever on MTV and CMT.
In this conversation, Tro, Brian, Maggie, and Brad talk about their current documentary film in production, CanceRevolution, the harmful effects of seed oil fumes from cooking, how Brad and Maggie walked through Maggie’s cancer diagnosis and treatment, the power of hope and staying positive, how being in ketosis can benefit those fighting cancer, how fasting works to fight cancer, and why Brad and Maggie decided to make a documentary to raise awareness for the avenues of treatment that Maggie employed.
For more information, please see the links below. Thank you for listening!
Brad and Maggie Jones:
Indiegogo page for donations: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cancerevolution-a-cancer-science-documentary#/
Movie website with info on the story, experts, their books, and Maggie and Brad’s bios: https://cancerevolution.film/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CANCEREVOLUTIONdoc
Film Clips: https://cancerevolution.film/watch/
YT Playlist of all the cancer patients full interviews: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIi49iLQ5VSBor-KO7is0kbVyACO61OFX
Upcoming events (conferences and screenings) https://cancerevolution.film/events-screenings/
Twitter: @CancerEvolves
Facebook/Instagram @CANCEREVOLUTIONdoc
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
Dr. Tro Kalayjian: