Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Low Carb MD Podcast. Dr. Peter Brukner is a medical doctor and specialist sports and exercise medicine physician. He is the founding partner at the Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre in Melbourne and is Professor of Sports Medicine at the La Trobe Sport & Exercise Medicine Research Centre at La Trobe University. More recently Peter has become interested in lifestyle issues and their relationship to health. In particular he is interested in the role of diet, especially a low carb diet, in both health and athletic performance.
In this discussion, Drs. Brian, Tro, and Peter talk about how the low-fat dietary philosophy took root and flourished for so many years, the wide array of disease factors impacted by diet, the effect of the low-carb diet on chronic pain, the phenomenon of patients educating their doctors about low-carb, and the danger of standing up for positions contrary to the prevailing medical dogma as doctors.
For more information, please see the links below. Thank you for listening!
Dr. Peter Brukner:
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
Dr. Tro Kalayjian: