Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Low Carb MD Podcast. In today’s episode, Dr. Tro is joined by Brian Wiley, Amy Eiges, and Dr. Natasha Larmie. Brian and Amy are health coaches at Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care. Between the two of them, Brian and Amy have lost over 300 lbs following the ketogenic/low-carb diet! Natasha (@thefatdoctoruk) graduated from Barts and The London Medical School in 2003 and has rotated through several hospital posts over the course of her medical career—General Medicine, General Surgery, OBGyn, Emergency Medicine, Geriatrics and Paediatrics. Around the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, she began a personal health journey that led her ultimately to a life-changing discovery—the low-carb/ketogenic diet.
In their conversation, Tro and his guests discuss the “health at every size” movement, the failure of the medical system with regard to providing effective solutions for people with obesity, the absurdity of making people weigh their food as part of a weight loss strategy, the relationship between real food diets and mental health, harmful and unproductive stigmas surrounding obesity and weight, how to reach people out there who are in despair of ever finding a sustainable and effective weight loss plan, why focusing primarily on the numbers on the scale is putting the cart before the horse, the journey of becoming a restrained eater, the proper place/understanding of exercise in the context of total health, and why fear and shame are not effective motivators to change.
For more information, please see the links below. Thank you for listening!
Dr. Natasha Larmie:
Brian Wiley:
Amy Eiges:
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
Dr. Tro Kalayjian: