The Low Carb MD Podcast is honored to release our latest podcast with the Low Carb GP, Dr. David Unwin. Dr. Unwin is a true role model and the embodiment of what a physician should be. He shares the story of his conversion from a conventional doctor to an exceptional doctor truly changing (and saving) lives. We discuss a range of subjects from physician burnout to the power of hope and compassion. This is a must listen episode. We truly strive to be more like Dr. Unwin and are inspired by his quiet courage and strength (Run Time: 1:12:14).
Contacts for Dr. Unwin @lowcarbGP
http://www.realfoodrocks.co.uk @realfoodrocksUK on Twitter
Visit Dr. Brian Lenzkes website: https://www.LowCarbAdvisor.com Visit Dr. Tro Kalayjian website: https://www.doctortro.com