Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Low Carb MD Podcast. Dr. Ali Ibrahim is a UK based consultant child and adolescent eating disorders psychiatrist currently working in the NHS. He is keen to understand the metabolic and neurobiological underpinnings of eating disorders, and has developed a research interest in that regard, with the goal of working towards changing the paradigm by which we understand and treat these complex disorders.
In our discussion with Dr. Ibrahim we talk about his journey from medical school to becoming a doctor to running 100 miles in a fasted state, dietitians who advocate for unrestricted eating, the benefits of a restrictive approach to dieting for patients with sugar addiction, how modern processed food prompts disordered eating and how modern humans have consciously or subconsciously dealt with that reality, and the need for controlled trials to prove the safety and benefits of cutting out processed foods and eating LCHF.
For more information, please see the links below. Thank you for listening!
Dr. Ali Ibrahim:
- Zero Five 100 Project
- Email Address: speedyali@icloud.com
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
Dr. Tro Kalayjian: