Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Low Carb MD Podcast. Joining the show today is Dr. Siobhan Key. Dr. Key is trained in Family/Obesity Medicine and is the host of the ‘Weight Solutions for Physicians’ podcast. Dr. Key’s business, Weight Solutions for Physicians, offers personalized, private emotional eating coaching for physicians from an Obesity Medicine Specialist and Emotional Eating Expert.
In our discussion today, we talk about a range of topics including the psychology behind binge-eating, emotional eating, how to effectively use fasting with a recovering binge-eater, how to process stress in a healthy way, techniques for staying in control of your thoughts, and the importance of taking care of yourself so that you can effectively take care of others.
For more information, please see the links below. Thank you for listening!
Dr. Key:
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
Dr. Kristin Baier: