Teresa Mealy is a nurse practitioner focusing on women’s health and weight loss. We are so happy and excited to have her on the show today! Having initially had a disheartening and unrewarding experience working in her field, she ended up making a discovery that turned her professional and personal life around. Teresa went from prescribing pills to opening up her own private weight loss clinic and using diet and hormones to help people reclaim their health. We discuss the usage of hormones in treating people. Further, we talk about the connection between dieting and hormonal health.
Contact Info:
Teresa Mealy:
- Website: https://teresamealytotalhealthandwellness.com/
- Twitter: @TeresaMealyTHW
- Office Phone#: 417-771-5277
- Facebook: Teresa Mealy Total Health and Wellness
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
- Website: LowCarbMDSanDiego.com
Dr. Tro Kalayjian:
- Website: https://www.doctortro.com/