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We are happy to be joined once again on the podcast by Drs. Ariel Ortiz and Christian Assad. They are just about to launch a brand new podcast together so be sure to check it out (links below). We discuss how to best connect with and communicate with those who are opposed to the low-carb diet. Further, we talk about how to connect with people on a cultural level to get them interested in giving the low-carb diet a shot.
Contact Info:
Dr. Christian Assad:
- Twitter: @ChristianAssad
- Instagram: @medhacker
- TikTok: ChristianAssadMD
Dr. Ariel Ortiz
- obesitycontrolcenter.com
- Podcast: Vive Sin Dietas
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
- Website: LowCarbMDSanDiego.com
Dr. Tro Kalayjian:
- Website: https://www.doctortro.com/