We are so happy to have Ivor Cummins, the Fat Emperor, back on the show! We discuss the effectiveness, based on careful scientific studies of the available data, of the various suggested measures imposed to fight COVID-19. We discuss the findings of scientists who have been studying the pandemic as it plays out, and reflect on how, in hindsight, the outbreak has been handled. We also discuss studies which indicate the effectiveness of being outdoors versus indoors when it comes to fighting the spread of the virus. Additionally, we discuss studies that show a relationship between levels of Vitamin D in the body and susceptibility to death from COVID-19. Finally, we examine how the virus has progressed in various countries—countries like Sweden, Australia, and others—and compare their respective defensive strategies as well as the many accidental factors involved. Contact Info: Ivor Cummins:
- extratimemovie.com
- The Fat Emperor Podcast
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
- Website: LowCarbMDSanDiego.com
Dr. Tro Kalayjian:
- Website: https://www.doctortro.com/