We are joined on the podcast today by Amber O’Hearn. Amber is someone who found success with the low carb diet, and who found even greater success with a carnivore diet. She found that not only could she lose ‘stubborn’ weight that she struggled to lose, but she was able to successfully eliminate her depression. We spend time examining arguments for and against the carnivore diet and vegan diets. We discuss the difference between essential and non-essential nutrients and the beneficial effects of foods from the animal kingdom. Additionally, we discuss what it means to be satiated by your food. Finally, we discuss the upcoming carnivore diet conference at which Amber will be a speaker. Thank you for listening in!
Contact Info:
Amber O’Hearn:
- Conference Twitter: @carnivorycon
- Personal Twitter: @ketocarnivore
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
- Website: LowCarbMDSanDiego.com
Dr. Tro Kalayjian:
- Website: https://www.doctortro.com/