Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Low Carb MD Podcast. Dr. David Boulware is an infectious disease physician-scientist with formal training in clinical trials, public health, and tropical medicine. Dr. Boulware combines his clinical research with nested basic science investigations into disease pathogenesis to conduct translational research. His primary research interests are in meningitis in resource-limited areas including diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and quality improvement initiatives incorporating cost-effectiveness analyses in order to translate knowledge into improved care. Dr. Boulware’s current research is focused on improving the clinical outcomes of HIV-infected persons with cryptococcal meningitis, the second most common AIDS-defining opportunistic infection in Sub-Saharan Africa and the most common cause of adult meningitis. Dr. Boulware leads a multidisciplinary, international research team with active research collaborations with partners in Uganda, South Africa, Ethiopia, Brazil, Botswana, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
In their conversation, Drs. Tro and David talk about how Dr. Boulware found his way into infectious disease, Dr. Boulware’s career following the advent of Covid, Hydroxychloroquine studies, Ivermectin studies, the Activ-6 trial, monoclonal antibody treatment, Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA, and Dr. Boulware’s take on the medical field post-Covid.
For more information, please see the links below. Thank you for listening!
Dr. David Boulware:
Dr. Brian Lenzkes:
Dr. Tro Kalayjian: